
June 22, 2016

{ ..all of God's grace in one tiny face..}

I can’t even explain how much I fell in love with this particular session behind the lens. The moments unfolding before you, and being behind the lens to capture them one by one is completing exhilarating. Emily and I didn't get much time for our pre-consult appointment I had planned to complete prior to the big day, primarily because the day came much quicker and shorter notice that we originally anticipated. But when I showed up ready to shoot, her family and Drew were incredibly supportive and everything fell right in place for me capture the images I was able to. 
When I returned to them to finish with an at home lifestyle session, 
It was so heart warming to see these to just completely enthralled in their new little baby boy. Lawson is absolutely gorgeous. 
The magic behind motherhood and becoming a parent is literally breath taking, and I couldn't imagine anyone not wanting to capture this time in their life.

Congrats Emily & Drew ..
Thank you for allowing me to share in your amazing first day in your new chapter... 

June 1, 2016

{50 years- Me & You}

 My clients are the best. I love growing with families.The best part of photography isn't always creating beautiful images, or the's the relationships. I got to meet this beautiful couple through another family I have grown to love and watch expand.
This was a beautiful venue in Regalwood, NC...which I truely had no idea how gorgeous the properties were until I made this little drive. Despite knowing Regalwood, for it's distinct "smell of money", I found some gorgeous little pieces of land I never knew of. I had such a fun night with this celebration. 50 years, in this crazy world ...its rare, but its real.

Thank you so much for inviting me along....