
March 27, 2016

Not Our Timing....

For so long...I have had a struggle with the right timing balancing my photography and being a full time working mom, and my other life goals. Photography has always been in my heart and a special part of it.
Ultimately, we have the hopes, and our thoughts of what we would like to see and make happen…but it's always up to someone higher. The devil has overcome several things, and God has truly intervened in many occasions. 
I have debated over & over, and attempted when the timing was just not right. I have doubted myself, and felt at times i needed to pursue more workshops and mentoring. I have always been a thinker and a committed person. I do not commit, if I am not able to offer my very best.
Thank you to those what have supported me so strong and allowed me into your lives to capture it behind the lens. 
I think there a strong presence of photographers in our community, with some that i have grown to respect and learn from myself. I am so thankful for the friendships developed and maintained with each and every one. I have never felt any ounce of competition amongst the others. I have grown to believe that if your truly passionate about the art….it’s a joy to just to see others take time and just have their lives captured through images. I simply love the lens....

So with that being said, a few doors have opened in my life and thankfully, grace is a wonderful thing and when the moment is right it is yours. I am working on things coming very soon...